Sarah White telah memperkenalkan satu kaedah terapi yang lain dari yang lain iaitu terapi bogel (naked therapiY).
Sarah akan menangalkan pakaiannya satu per satu di depan pesakitnya ketika sesi terapi berjalan. Sarah percaya dengan cara ini, pesakit akan lebih terbuka dan bersedia untuk meluahkan segala masalah yang dihadapi.
Menurut sumber berita juga, majoriti pesakitnya adalah LELAKI. Petikan dari sumber:
She said: 'During the sessions I use the power of arousal to let you gain more control over your life. 'The goal is to use nakedness so you can understand yourself and your world better, so you can feel great and powerful, and so the excitement you feel during the sessions can lead to more excitement outside the sessions.' The naked therapist's unique approach to helping people has aroused interest from dozens of people. Unsurprisingly, most of her clients are men.

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