Gambar menakjubkan ini menunjukkan ribuan ikan pari atau Ray Fish sedang berenang berkumpulan di tengah lautan.
Keajaiban alam anugerah Tuhan ini dirakamkan oleh seorang jurugambar Jerman, Florian Schulz di Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Schulz menamakan gambar ikonik ini sebagai "Flight of the Rays".
Gambar ini membolehkan Schulz memenangi anugerah Environmental Photographer of the Year 2010 awards.
Menurut Schulz, dalam tempoh 20 tahun menjadi jurufoto, dia belum pernah melihat kawanan ikan pari ini dalam kuantiti ribuan sedang berenang bersama sama.
Ini adalah keindahan dan keajaiban laut yang belum pernah disaksikan umat manusia di bumi ini.
Katanya :
"During an aerial expedition I came across something I had never seen before. Not even my pilot, who has surveyed this area for 20 years, had seen anything like it. As we got closer we started to discover its nature: an unprecedented congregation of rays. The group was as thick as it was wide, all heading towards the same direction. I have asked around why this took place but no one has been able to explain it to me. After such a unique sighting, I realise there are so many marvels in the oceans that we are yet to understand. Our knowledge of the oceans is so limited. I just hope that we are in time to rescue it before it collapses from pollution and over fishing."
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