
Monday, December 19, 2011

Vampire Heart ??

gelang kristal rm5!!

gambar cara pakai masker vagina :)

ibu kolagen asli (pure marine collagen)

cara masukkan pengantin dara dalam vagina

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karpet yang dibuat dari pasta


note : buat sos and makan lagi bagus.. haha

gelang kristal rm5!!

gambar cara pakai masker vagina :)

ibu kolagen asli (pure marine collagen)

cara masukkan pengantin dara dalam vagina

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skateboard terbesar di dunia

World’s largest skateboard Made Ever If you are daring enough to taste dangers and can go extreme for the fun sake, is all that you will surely love to take a ride on. Brought by California Skateparks to Camp Woodward in Pennsylvania, the world’s largest skateboard is like a conventional skateboard but has the capacity to fit more than a dozen people at the same time. However, unlike the conventional ones, steering this skateboard is a hard nut to crack, even when it uses similar steering principles but riding the largest skateboard ends in load of fun.

gelang kristal rm5!!

gambar cara pakai masker vagina :)

ibu kolagen asli (pure marine collagen)

cara masukkan pengantin dara dalam vagina

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keluarga yang sungguh unik

gelang kristal rm5!!

gambar cara pakai masker vagina :)

ibu kolagen asli (pure marine collagen)

cara masukkan pengantin dara dalam vagina

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Cinta sejati terbukti kekal


NEW YORK - Sekumpulan saintis yang mengkaji otak manusia mendapati ungkapan popular bahawa cinta sejati tidak luput ditelan masa adalah benar.

Saintis-saintis Universiti Rutgers dari New Jersey, Amerika Syarikat (AS) yang menganalisis otak sejumlah pasangan suami isteri yang hidup bersama lebih dua dekad, mendapati perasaan saling menyayangi masih wujud sama seperti ketika mereka sedang hangat bercinta.

Kajian itu melibatkan 17 lelaki dan wanita yang mengaku cinta mereka masih membara selepas lebih dua dekad mendirikan rumah tangga. 

Kumpulan penyelidik itu yang merakamkan gambar imbasan otak pasangan tersebut mendapati ia menyamai imbasan yang dirakam daripada pasangan yang jatuh cinta dalam tempoh 12 bulan.
Dalam kedua-dua imbasan itu, bahagian otak yang bertanggungjawab mengenai percintaan dan rasa bahagia manusia, iaitu di kawasan ventral tegmental didapati bersinar-sinar.

"Jika anda bertanya di seluruh dunia sama ada cinta romantis akan berkekalan, mereka mungkin akan menyatakan tidak. Namun kami berjaya membuktikan bahawa mereka silap," kata seorang penyelidik itu, Dr. Helen Fisher. - Agensi

gelang kristal rm5!!

gambar cara pakai masker vagina :)

ibu kolagen asli (pure marine collagen)

cara masukkan pengantin dara dalam vagina

kalo suka sila share :)

hybrid animals


Zebroid = Zebra + Equine

Hybrid Animals
A zebroid (also zebra mule and zebrule) is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid. In most cases, the sire is a zebra stallion. Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra mare, called a zebra hinny, do exist but are rare. Zebroids have been bred since the 19th century.The zebroid showed in the picture above, Eclyse, is a very unusual one, because of her coloring. With her über distinct makings, it's really hard not think she's a Photoshop mock-up.

Liger = Lion + Tiger

Hybrid Animals
Hybrid Animals

Hybrid Animals
The liger is a hybrid cross between a male Panthera leo (lion), and a female Panthera tigris (Tiger) and is denoted scientifically as Panthera tigris × Panthera leo. A liger resembles a giant lion with diffused stripes. They are the largest cats in the world, although the Siberian Tiger is the largest pure sub-species. Like tigers, but unlike lions, ligers enjoy swimming. A similar hybrid, the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a tigon.

Beefalo = Buffalo + Cow

Hybrid Animals
What do you get when you cross a cow with a buffalo? The Beefalo!

Cama = Camel + Llama

Hybrid Animals
This hybrid animal, the product of breeding a llama and a camel, has been the only creature of this kind since her birth in 1995. Camas are humpless and have the long fluffy coat of a llama. Their ears are half way in length between camels and llamas, but they have the strong, desert-ready legs of a camel.

Leopon = Leopard + Lion

The Leopon is the result of breeding a male leopard with a female lion. The head of the animal is similar to that of a lion while the rest of the body carries similarities to leopards. The first documented leopon was bred at Kolhapur, India in 1910.

Savannah = Serval + Domestic Cat

Hybrid Animals
The Savannah Cat is created by breeding an African Wild Cat, called a Serval and a domestic cat, usually an exotic looking domestic cat such as a Bengal, Oriental Shorthair, Egyptian Mau, or a Serengeti's. The offspring created by this combination are large domestic.

Grizzly Polar = Polar Bear + Brown Bear

Hybrid Animals
Also known as Grolar Bear, this bear hybrid is a rare ursid hybrid that has occurred both in captivity and in the wild. In 2006, the occurrence of this hybrid in nature was confirmed by testing the DNA of a strange-looking bear that had been shot on Banks Island in the Canadian arctic.

A number of polar bear hybrids are described as Ursid hybrids, a term that designates any hybrid of two species within the Ursidae family. Polar bear hybrids with Grizzly bears have been reported and shot, but DNA techniques were not available to verify the bears' ancestry.

Toast of Botswana = Sheep + Goat

 Toast of Botswana
An unusual case of a sheep-goat hybrid was reported by veterinarians in Botswana in 2000, called the "Toast of Botswana". The animal was born naturally from the mating of a female goat with a male sheep that were kept together.

The hybrid was intermediate between the two parent species in type. It had a coarse outer coat, a woolly inner coat, long goat-like legs and a heavy sheep-like body. Although infertile, the hybrid had a very active libido, mounting both ewes and does when they were not in heat. This earned the hybrid the name Bemya or rapist. He was castrated when he was 10 months old because he was becoming a nuisance.

Blood parrot = Midas Cichild + Red Devil fish

Hybrid Animals
The Blood parrot (also known as bloody parrot and blood parrotfish) is a hybrid cichlid. The fish was first created in Taiwan in around 1986. Its parentage is unknown, but the most commonly speculated pairings are midas cichlid with the redhead cichlid. This hybrid cichlid has various anatomical deformities, one of the most obvious, and also deadly, deformities is its mouth, which only has very narrow vertical opening. This makes blood parrot very hard to feed. Many die eventually because of this. Cichlid enthusiasts have called for their removal from the market and organized boycotts against pet stores that sell them.

Hybrid Pheasant = Golden + Amherst Pheasant

Hybrid Animals
The Golden Pheasant has commonly been crossed with the similar Lady Amherst's Pheasant. The result is a hybrid with distinguished colors from its parents.

gelang kristal rm5!!

gambar cara pakai masker vagina :)

ibu kolagen asli (pure marine collagen)

cara masukkan pengantin dara dalam vagina

kalo suka sila share :)

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